It was certainly a new world post WWII when computers were in their infancy and IBM's "applied science represenative" was recruiting mathematicians, physicists and engineers using the even newer media of television. The DUnkirk 5-5341 phone number shows the primitive nature of technology at that time. If you were lucky enough to land a job, your future was guaranteed ...until January 19, 1993, when the company announced a $8.10 billion loss for the 1992 financial year, then the largest single-year corporate loss in U.S. history.

From the brink of disaster IBM was able to shift in focus significantly away from components and hardware and towards software and services.

With Eisenhower in the White House the Air Force teamed up with M.I.T and I.B.M. to provide armed "Air Defense" against any foe! The feeling of invincibility in our country's superiorty in technogoly, after defeating the Axis powers, shows as the announcer touts" there is no escape". You could rest safe & secure, confident that IBM would protect you and the whole nation from any airborne menace!